Wednesday, September 14, 2011

So Sorry!! :)

Hi, I'm sorry I was late again on my list, I was busy yesterday (I do have a life) and I wasn't able to get around to it but, now I am posting the 2nd top 12 list ever!!!! And hopefully, I can get out the weird laws tomorrow (we'll see how that works out :) but anyway, here is yesterday's list!!

Top Twelve Things to do During an All-Nighter

1. Attempt to discover how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop

2. Try to draw a circle freehand, with a crayon

3. Get a ton of balloons and inhale the helium

4. Pretend it's 12 hours later than it really is (i.e. going to school, eating lunch, soccer practice)

5. Make card houses

6. Find the worst food combination possible

7. Every half hour, get up and do jumping jacks (something energetic) for 5-10 minutes depending on how long you want, if you're really tired, you may wanta do 10

8. Go through those messy areas of yours and see what you can find, sometimes you find things you thought you left at the park 6 years ago :)

9. Play board games, make sure to do them on a cold table, either in an uncomfortable chair or standing up, this way, you won't fall asleep

10. Make really weird clothing combinations

11. Call those numbers you always here on commercials (i.e. 800 588 2300 empire!!)

12. Create a youtube account if you don't already have one and make Internet videos all night (if you make your videos public, make sure you don't give away too much personal info :)

If you plan on pulling an all-nighter anytime soon, good luck!! Hopefully these activities will give you something to do!!

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